
Intro to sops

This is just a very quick intro to sops an open sourced secrets management tool from mozilla.

Sops can be used to transparently encrypt full, or partially config files, transparently in the sense that the keys in a yaml, json won’t be encrypted only the values, which allows to version control the file with git and more.

To create an with your gpg key ‘encrypted’ file run:

sops -p $(gpg --fingerprint | sed -n '2p' | tr -d ' ')

Which basically gets your fingerprint without spaces, you will have to modify your email address, and uses it to create a datakey which in turn then is used to encrypt the values of that yaml file.

To decrypt the file use: sops -d

The beauty is that one can use several different keys which can then all, or all together depending on the configuration, used to decrypt the values.

One can also selectively only encrypt the values of some keys or not.

This can be easily managed with a .sops.yaml, the .sops.yaml for our example would look the following:

    - path_regex: .*\.dev\.yaml
      pgp: 'EA68F1F245C64189B0BDA3EA0E67E12E45D98394'
      encrypted_suffix: secret

For more info checkout sops which also has a nice introduction video.